Ask An Agronomist

Jul 14, 2023

What is happening today around the Portland area?
There has been a lot going on around the area in the past couple of weeks. Growers have been spraying edible beans and finishing up some Liberty applications on soybeans. Should be getting those wrapped up this week and into early next week. There has also been a fair amount of fungicide going down on the wheat acres as well. The wheat crop is a bit spread out so there’s been a lot checking and rechecking fields for the correct staging.

What do you see happening in the next week?
Next week should see the end of the edible bean and soybean herbicide applications. We will be moving right into fungicide passes on soybeans and edibles. The crops are looking good and growing fast and will be flowering out pretty heavily next week.
I’ve been pretty busy scouting edible bean acres the past 2 weeks but just got that wrapped up in the past couple of days. I will start staging beans for fungicide applications and any remaining wheat fungicide passes. It also won't be long before we see corn fields tasseled out and ready for fungicide.
Any concerns?
Overall, the weather has been pretty favorable in the area lately. Been catching some crucial shots of rain that have been keeping everything going. Most of my service area is in pretty good shape as far as moisture. A few pockets to the south have been hit with a lot more rain, so they’ve been fighting with some tougher field conditions.
Weed control has been one of my biggest concerns this year with waterhemp becoming a big issue in the area. So far, control has been pretty good with growers utilizing more residual herbicides. We need to be very diligent with our herbicide programs to protect the very vulnerable dry bean and sugar beet markets in the area.
Any spraying advice for farmers?

Timing has always been the number 1 thing I stress to my growers when making herbicide applications and even fungicide applications. Even as little as a few days can make all the difference in how a product performs out in the field.
What are your harvest predictions/expectations?
It's looking like we will get an early start on harvest this fall if the weather stays like is and keeps pushing things along. I think the yield potential in the area is very good and I hope we can avoid any crazy weather through July and August and see some big crops.
Anything you want growers to know?
Just keep the sprayers moving and keep these crops healthy and clean and I think there will be a big payoff in the end.

-Agronomist, Eric Braaten

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