Ask An Agronomist
Jun 16, 2023

What is happening today around the Ada, MN area?
We are finishing up herbicide applications on wheat and corn, and now starting on soybeans. Overall, everything looks good so far. We are starting to see some moisture stress on the lighter ground in areas that have missed the rains. Hopefully, we can get some rain to keep everything going.
What do you see happening in the next week?
We will now be focusing on getting the weeds controlled in the soybeans. It is important to control them when they are small or before they are up to get the best results.
What are you busy with?
I have been checking fields to stay ahead of the weeds and making sure we are using the correct herbicides to control them.
How did planting go?
Planting seemed to go quick once we were able to get started. We also had some timely rains after planting to help achieve good stands.
Any concerns?
My main concern with the weather has been the variable amounts of rain. Some areas have missed most of the rain and others have gotten too much. I hope we can get into a more stable weather pattern.
Waterhemp has been our biggest weed concern so far this year. It grows fast and is getting resistant to most herbicides we use. The best approach has been to control it before emergence.
What are your future predictions/expectations for crops?
I think the row crops will be very good if we can get rain to keep them going. I’m concerned that the heat has been pushing the wheat along too fast. Hopefully, it will still surprise us with good yields as it has in the past with later planting.
Anything you want growers to know?
Make sure to stay ahead of resistant weeds this season by adding residual herbicides to your post emerge applications.
Agronomist- Jon Borge
We are finishing up herbicide applications on wheat and corn, and now starting on soybeans. Overall, everything looks good so far. We are starting to see some moisture stress on the lighter ground in areas that have missed the rains. Hopefully, we can get some rain to keep everything going.
What do you see happening in the next week?
We will now be focusing on getting the weeds controlled in the soybeans. It is important to control them when they are small or before they are up to get the best results.
What are you busy with?
I have been checking fields to stay ahead of the weeds and making sure we are using the correct herbicides to control them.
How did planting go?
Planting seemed to go quick once we were able to get started. We also had some timely rains after planting to help achieve good stands.
Any concerns?
My main concern with the weather has been the variable amounts of rain. Some areas have missed most of the rain and others have gotten too much. I hope we can get into a more stable weather pattern.
Waterhemp has been our biggest weed concern so far this year. It grows fast and is getting resistant to most herbicides we use. The best approach has been to control it before emergence.
What are your future predictions/expectations for crops?
I think the row crops will be very good if we can get rain to keep them going. I’m concerned that the heat has been pushing the wheat along too fast. Hopefully, it will still surprise us with good yields as it has in the past with later planting.
Anything you want growers to know?
Make sure to stay ahead of resistant weeds this season by adding residual herbicides to your post emerge applications.
Agronomist- Jon Borge