Ask An Agronomist
Jul 12, 2022

Around the Reynolds area today we are finishing spraying some edible beans with herbicide, and spraying wheat with fungicide and insecticide.
What will we be getting done?
Fungicide season. Finishing wheat fungicide, starting edible bean fungicide and the Cercospera fungicide program will be starting on the beets.
Waterhemp can really start to show its ugly head, especially in the sugar beets late. Weed control in edible beans is always something that shows up at the end of July and the beginning of August.
Grasshoppers have been a concern all year. Continue to monitor those. We have been on the look for soybean aphids already but thankfully haven’t come across any yet. Time to start active scouting beans for aphids. In some areas that have stayed dry, keep an eye out for spider mites as well.
From a wheat perspective, Sphaerex from BASF and Prosaro Pro from Bayer are 2 new fungicides that growers should be aware of. Contact your agronomist for information on both. From an edible bean perspective, growers should think about applying Endura in beans that didn’t get abused by early season weather, to keep white mold out.
Sugar beet guys should visit with their agronomist and agriculturist and come up with a plan in the battle vs Cercsopera. Fungicide applications should include Masterlock from Winfield United. Masterlock is a spreader-sticker, deposition agent, canopy penetration agent, and drift reduction agent all in 1.
Valley United Agronomists are still in the field actively scouting to provide growers timely updates as we continue through the 2022 growing season. We have a strong supply of fungicides to make sure growers are able to protect their crop from late-season disease.
-Agronomist, Brandon Weber
What will we be getting done?
Fungicide season. Finishing wheat fungicide, starting edible bean fungicide and the Cercospera fungicide program will be starting on the beets.
Waterhemp can really start to show its ugly head, especially in the sugar beets late. Weed control in edible beans is always something that shows up at the end of July and the beginning of August.
Grasshoppers have been a concern all year. Continue to monitor those. We have been on the look for soybean aphids already but thankfully haven’t come across any yet. Time to start active scouting beans for aphids. In some areas that have stayed dry, keep an eye out for spider mites as well.
From a wheat perspective, Sphaerex from BASF and Prosaro Pro from Bayer are 2 new fungicides that growers should be aware of. Contact your agronomist for information on both. From an edible bean perspective, growers should think about applying Endura in beans that didn’t get abused by early season weather, to keep white mold out.
Sugar beet guys should visit with their agronomist and agriculturist and come up with a plan in the battle vs Cercsopera. Fungicide applications should include Masterlock from Winfield United. Masterlock is a spreader-sticker, deposition agent, canopy penetration agent, and drift reduction agent all in 1.
Valley United Agronomists are still in the field actively scouting to provide growers timely updates as we continue through the 2022 growing season. We have a strong supply of fungicides to make sure growers are able to protect their crop from late-season disease.
-Agronomist, Brandon Weber